
there is this psychology study (i can't give you the name because i took the psych gre way too many months ago) that basically says that people who have little reason for doing something overcompensate by saying how much they really like doing that thing. so, given the same bad task, the person who is paid less will say that they like doing the bad task more than the person who is paid more.
i don't think that worked on me, or at least money makes things more palatteable.
so, as i sit at work working overtime on a friday night (when there are literally millions of other things i'd rather be doing) i feel better this week knowing that i'm getting paid time and half rather than last week when i just got comp time. the other possibility is that i've just gotten more used to the monotany.
then there is always that woman who had a baby on the red line. standing up. putting the afterbirth in her purse as she ran out of the subway station. somehow that explains nothing, but everything.


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